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Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes.



This principle embodies the fact that both the masculine and feminine exist in all things. Not just in sex, but in the creative nature of all things, on all planes. In harmony with the principle of Correspondence, this means that the masculine and feminine exist not only in the physical plane, but also the mental, and the spiritual as well. The principle of Gender plays a role in all things generation, creation, and regeneration — nothing can come into being without the use of this principle.

The masculine is the penetrative, assertive, progressive, conquesting, explorative energy that drives progress. The feminine is the receptive, sacred, treasured, protective energy, that maintains tradition and honors the priority of what is most important, while nourishing that which is most essential to life.


Too much masculine energy, without a balance of feminine, leads to a growth of power to the extreme of reckless abandon — where we lose perspective of what is most important and forget the principles which began the conquest in the first place. While, too much feminine energy, without a balance of the masculine, leads to a life grounded so deeply in the present, that our lives become determined by the cycles and external circumstance out of our favor.


All beings contain this great Principle within them, as two parts. Every male has feminine energy, and every female has masculine energy. In sex we see the interplay of these energies. In our moods, actions, attitudes, and personalities we see the dance of these energies within ourselves.


The most potent use of this principle is how Gender is responsible for creation, generation, and regeneration on the mental and spiritual planes, and not just the physical. True progress is possible through the balancing of the two energies of Gender in oneself, relationships, and environment. By examining how present are we with our lives. How focused we are on the future. What we sacrificed for our achievements. How much do we protect and honor what is our highest priority. How far from home have we traveled, in pursuit of what we desire the most. How much are we giving and how much are we receiving. Asking ourselves if these energies are in balance.


To choose the middle path between these extremes of the present feminine and future-driven masculine and seek balance in all things, is the key to using all 7 Hermetic Principles principles to full effect and achieving lasting self-mastery, without straying too far from the path.


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El Dorado: The Principle of Gender (print)





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