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As above, so below; as below, so above. As within, so without; as without, so within.



This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of various planes that manifest as being and life. Grasping this principle is what allows one to deduce the hidden solutions to problems by looking at what exists a layer above, and below the problem, to infer the pattern and shadow nature of what is in-between.


Of course, there are planes and phenomena beyond our knowing, as we are limited to the spectrums of visible light and audible sound, but by witnessing the patterns that do exist in our dimension we can deduce what may exist in higher and lower ones.


Just as the knowledge of Geometry allows one to measure the cosmos and map its movements, as a dance of spheres and spirals. Observing the Principle of Correspondence, we can come to know the whole of the Universe by exploring the higher and lower nature of things, which surround the mystery. And likewise, discover more of ourselves, by experiencing and studying the world we are integrally a part of through the pursuit of Gnosis. The micro is in the macro, and vice versa.


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El Dorado: The Principle of Correspondence (print)

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